We can provide one-stop A/V services. Get everything from translation support, audience response systems, webcast services, recording and playback, staging, and more, all in one place. Alternatively, if you prefer, you can bring in your own team too.

Sound System
All meeting rooms offer a wired microphone and a built-in sound system. Additional equipment is available based on your program needs, including wireless microphones, playback devices, and an upgraded sound system.
Access a central recording room for use by A/V and recording companies, allowing all meeting areas–meeting rooms, exhibit halls, and the ballroom–to be recorded from this location.

All BCEC meeting rooms are connected to a central system which allows common or individual broadcast of any live session to any room. Cable HDTV services are provided throughout the entire building.
Paging is available throughout the building. This service is free of charge during show hours and move-in/out periods and can be done from anywhere in the building.